The Eurasian Bustard Alliance, in collaboration with the Ornithological Society of the Middle East, the Caucasus and Central Asia (OSME), is pleased to announce a small grants competition to support projects focusing on the conservation of the Great Bustard in Central Asia!
We welcome proposals for conservation of the Great Bustard, or research closely tied to the species’ conservation, in the OSME region of Central Asia (map below). Unfortunately, due to international sanctions, projects in Iran and Russia cannot currently be funded.
Applications must be received by 30 September 2022, for work beginning in 2023. One project will be selected to receive up to £5000 pounds; alternatively, depending on the applications received, two smaller projects may be selected.
Please see OSMEs website for full details and the application form.
Questions may be addressed to the Eurasian Bustard Alliance (mail [at] or Rob Sheldon (chairman [at]
Photo by: Loghman Rahimi