Bustards without Borders is a new international initiative to improve the status of all species of bustards, within the framework of the Convention on Migratory Species. Forged at CMS COP14, this new partnership is dedicated to catalyzing actions for the sustainable conservation of bustards and their habitats. Effectively addressing the tremendous threats facing bustards worldwide requires a united and urgent effort involving diverse organizations and stakeholders, working together under a common umbrella.
The first step for BWB will be to gather information and compile a comprehensive Multi-species Action Plan for Bustards to guide the activities of the consortium in years to come. If you have received a questionnaire and want to contribute to the Action Plan, please respond to your regional coordinator; contact information is on BWB’s preliminary webpage. For more information, download our information briefing.
Eurasian Bustard Alliance is a proud founding partner of Bustards without Borders.