Samarkand, Uzbekistan: Parties to the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) at COP14 have unanimously approved the Revised Action Plan for Great Bustards in Asia!
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New Action Plan for Great Bustards in Asia on the agenda for CMS COP14
A new Action Plan for Great Bustards in Asia has been proposed by the Government of Mongolia for consideration at the 2024 Conference of
Multilingual Sandgrouse supplement now online
A new multilingual supplement to the Sandgrouse special issue on the Great Bustard in Central Asia (published in English) is now available. The special
First global review of bustard collisions with powerlines
“Bustards comprise a highly threatened family of birds and, being relatively fast, heavy fliers with very limited frontal visual fields, are particularly susceptible to
New Global Population Estimate for Great Bustards
A new population estimate by EBA Director Mimi Kessler finds that Central Asia, which encompasses 30% of the Great Bustard range, now contains just
Special Journal Issue on Great Bustards in Central Asia [updated]
A special issue of the ornithological journal Sandgrouse contains seventeen articles focusing on the Great Bustard, including many authored by partners of the Eurasian
Anthropogenic disturbance found to be main factor affecting habitat quality of Great Bustards in Western China
A joint study by researchers from the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography (XIEG) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Eurasian Bustard Alliance
Есть ли будущее у дрофы в Казахстане? – Зеленый мир
«Пугливость и осторожность дрофы усложнили про-цесс изучения. Во время наблюдений на плато Караой при виде автомобиля птицы улетали аж за 4 километра, – делится
По следам дудака – Ремез
“Густой холодный туман покрывал дорогу и формировал тонкий слой льда по переднему стеклу УАЗика. На ветках деревьев в лесопосадках сверкала изморозь. Мы с Талгатом
Publication: Averting The Extinction Of Bustards In Asia
Thirty authors from across Asia have assembled a ground-breaking article, bringing together information about the critical status of all six bustard species in Asia, stating